Dear Editor,
The announcement by young President Ali at the launch of the National Defence Institute (NDI), deserves commendation and congratulations. However, the few of us who have been around long enough, may regard this, commendable as it is, no more than forms of Plagiarism, Propaganda and Pomposity.
Almost fifty years ago, a confidential state paper was prepared, titled ‘Defence in Depth.’ In addition to the announcement by President Ali, the document addressed the basic outline of the proposals contained in his announcement. Additionally, it included providing the physical infrastructure and logistical support for cadres from National Service, security forces and educational institutions to provide them the opportunity to settle on tracts of land in areas along our borders.
The underlying philosophy was that if you are a Guyanese, trained in military, agricultural, mining and other skills, this will be the best means to secure our borders from the ambition of our neighbours. It was an elaborate, well thought-out project, but due to the oil crisis and other factors, we did not have the enormous sums of money to activate Defence in Depth.
It is no secret that we have a government that will do nothing that appears and could be regarded as the brainchild of Burnham. Defence in Depth assumed free education from Kindergarten to University. With gold and other precious materials being found in many areas and the government having access to an abundance of cash, it will be a gift to this and succeeding generations, if Defence in Depth was activated in totality.
We now have the money, we are now discovering natural resources in large quantities, some being harvested by foreigners. Defence in Depth would have ensured that more Guyanese benefit from the Creators’ bounty. Nevertheless, we all wish the project success.
Yours faithfully,
Hamilton Green Elder